AppleInsider Podcast

More leaks reveal 'A14X' chip coming to new iPad Pro, rumors of HomePod devices with screens, and Intel's ad campaign fails.

Do you host a podcast discussing technology or Apple devices and would like an AppleInsider staffer to appear as a guest? Let us know by sending a message to: and we'll be in touch!

If you have questions or comments on the show, tweet at @stephenrobles and @thisisneil, or email us here. Find us in your favorite podcast player by searching for "AppleInsider" and support the show by leaving a 5-Star rating and comment in Apple Podcasts .

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Links from the show

Two unreleased iMacs referenced in macOS Big Sur 11.3 beta
iOS 14.5 beta code reveals 'A14X' chip rumored to power iPad Pro
HomePod mini has hidden, unused temperature sensor
Apple HomeHub - What an iPad and HomePod fusion should deliver
The case for Apple TV — why Apple's 'hobby' isn't as dead as critics think
Intel takes aim at Apple, instead shoots itself in the dongle
Intel wants to manufacture Apple Silicon
Intel to consumers: 'Go PC!' - Intel to Apple: 'Good God do we need your business!'
Apple Fitness+ review: A physical & mental health godsend during the pandemic winter

Those interested in sponsoring the show can reach out to us at: steve@appleinsider.comSupport AppleInsider Podcast

Show Notes

More leaks reveal 'A14X' chip coming to new iPad Pro, rumors of HomePod devices with screens, and Intel's ad campaign fails.

Do you host a podcast discussing technology or Apple devices and would like an AppleInsider staffer to appear as a guest? Let us know by sending a message to: and we'll be in touch!

If you have questions or comments on the show, tweet at @stephenrobles and @thisisneil, or email us here. Find us in your favorite podcast player by searching for "AppleInsider" and support the show by leaving a 5-Star rating and comment in Apple Podcasts .

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Links from the show

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What is AppleInsider Podcast?

Get the latest iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple news every Friday. Tune in to this weekly podcast for in-depth coverage, product reviews, and analysis of all news surrounding Apple. Since 1997 AppleInsider has been a premier source of Apple news, leaks, and rumors. Hosted by Stephen Robles and the AppleInsider staff.