Dig on America

We discuss the history of Chubbtown Georgia

Show Notes

Recorded history of the Chubb family in North America dates back to 1775. Nicholas Chubb, the oldest known ancestor, is listed as a free colored male, head of a household on the 1820 census of Caswell County, North Carolina. 

John Henry Chubb, along with his wife, daughter and eight sons were originally in North Carolina. Kenneth Jones, another descendent of the Chubbtown founders, researched the family’s history and found that the 1830 census listed Chubbs living as free blacks in North Carolina. The Chubbs and other free blacks journeyed to Georgia and settled near a creek in the northwest corner of the state sometime between 1850 and 1864.

According to records of Floyd County, where Chubbtown is located, Henry Chub (spelled with one b), one of the original eight sons, purchased 120 acres for $900 in 1864, before the end of the Civil War.

The settlement grew to include a church, school, post office, meeting hall and a lodge. It also had businesses such as a saw mill, cotton gin, wagon company, blacksmith, grist mill, syrup mill and a company that made caskets. The settlers farmed the land and were self-sufficient.

During the Post-Reconstruction period the Chubb brothers continued purchasing real estate to become the self-sufficient community known as Chubbtown. The Chubb family remained and prospered in Floyd County, Georgia, while many southern blacks were seeking prosperity in the north. The town was spared destruction by the Union Army during the Civil War.[5] The family's prosperity declined after 1916 when a devastating flood destroyed 
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