Austin Next

Can a city’s food scene serve as a catalyst for connection, creativity, and innovation? Grace Chow, Co-Founder & CEO of Austin-based Lobos Hospitality, joins me to share her insights from food scenes across the US, and her in-the-trenches view from building three distinctive Austin restaurants: Toasty Badger, Manny's, and the Powder Room.

Episode Highlights
  • The State of the Austin Food Scene
  • Balancing Local Sourcing, Trends, and Concept Authenticity
  • Crafting Distinctive Dining Experiences
  • What Austin Needs for a Vibrant Hospitality Industry
  • How Restaurants Intersect with Other Sectors 
  • The Impact of Tech on the Restaurant Industry 
  • Restaurants as Potential Third Places in Austin 
  • What's Next, Austin?
    • "I think just everybody kind of becoming a little bit nerdier about food and a little bit nerdy about restaurants."
Grace Chow, Lobos Hospitality 

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What is Austin Next?

Austin's transformation into a global innovation powerhouse is at the heart of Austin Next. We explore insights into the region's evolution and the building of robust ecosystems. Additionally, we delve into the potential impact of emerging trends, technologies, and their convergence.
Austin, as our real-world case study, helps us aspire to better comprehend the true nature of innovation.