Derech Hashem: A framework for Yidishkite

Exploring the Halachakic possibilities of bringing Korbanos bzman hazeh. There is much written on the topic and we will give an overview. Based in the Rambam, Rav Tzvi Hirsch Kalisher, Chasam Sofer and other contemporary Achronim. 

What is Derech Hashem: A framework for Yidishkite?

A shiur based on the text of Derech Hashem.
We will Use the clarity of the Ramchal to: Elucidate fundamental and esoteric ideas in Judaism. Give an introduction to Kabbalah and Chasidus. Give a sense of the “the big picture” of Hashem’s interactions with his world.
We will take cerebral understandings and apply them “Al derech Havoda”to live a fuller Jewish life.