IDA Poliitika

Berliin-Kyiv: in this episode Mats Kuuskemaa speaks to Vitalii Vlasiuk, Deputy Governor of Kyiv Region. The discussion is about Ukraine's past, present and future, from Ukraine's story from the 1990s to modern day, learning experiences, aspirations of Ukrainian people, takeaways from reorganising everything during wartime. Deputy Governor Vlasiuk calls on people to start thinking of investing into Ukraine, thanks Estonia for its support and wants more direct relations to be built between Estonia's and Ukraine's smaller municipalities. Listen in and hear out a voice of a person who is working around the clock to keep the country and public services afloat running at a time of paramount difficulties.

What is IDA Poliitika?

Poliitika tegeleb sinuga – Mats ja Marian aitavad aru saada, kuidas. Millennial duo poliitikafiltris on õhk värske, globaalne ja heinovaba.