Living Untitled

Our narratives, our own unique cultures as communities, bound by borders–political, social, figurative and natural–are constantly being rewritten with a multitude of purposes in mind. But what happens when an individual is written out of a narrative? Are they forgotten? Does history itself change? What happens when it's an entire people? Are the consequences even greater, or is it easier to overlook the existence of a community than that of an influential individual? For this episode, host Justin Boone, sat down with artist, Tatiana Grigorenko, to explore how she's been exploring these questions and others in her work throughout her artistic career.

What is Living Untitled?

Living Untitled explores our untitled world through conversations with visionary problem-solvers. Beyond a podcast, it's an invitation to contemplate living an untitled life, reimagining the inevitable. This invitation encourages us to recognize that questions lead to more questions and that the seemingly inevitable can still be open to reimagining. Join us and our community on a journey into the heart of problem-solving, exploring the untitled life, one question at a time.