The Subscription Web Design Podcast

This is a special bonus episode of the Backstage Pass that is exclusive to those in my membership community. This message is so important for people to hear that I decided to air it as a standalone audio episode of the SWD podcast. Enjoy!

In this episode of Backstage Pass for Subscription Web Design, Steve discusses strategies for combating business burnout and enhancing personal development. He shares his real-life experiences of burnout and the strategies he employed to overcome it. These strategies include focusing on personal development, finding the unique ability that energizes him, limiting his daily tasks to three impactful items, and using 'thinking tools' from Dan Sullivan's content. The speaker also highlighted the importance of journaling and mindfulness of one's progression compared to their past rather than aiming for a constantly receding ideal future. He concludes by encouraging fellow entrepreneurs to persevere, stay focused on their unique abilities, and embrace the process of building success over time.

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What is The Subscription Web Design Podcast?

Are you sick and tired of the "feast or famine" grind of website design? Or, are you looking for a profitable side hustle that will lead you to fulltime self-employment so you can finally do life on your terms? In this podcast, Steve Schramm will show you how to build the life and business of your dreams using the subscription web design model. Featuring value-packed training sessions and success stories of others who've been where you are and built a stable web design business that fuels their lifestyle.