In this episode, we talked to Douglas Guilfoyle, Professor of Law at the University of New South Wales about ICC arrest warrants, immunity, and how national courts may handle the ICC's arrest warrants.

Professor Guilfoyle's article on ICC arrest warrants can be found here: https://lieber.westpoint.edu/what-happens-icc-issues-warrants-senior-hamas-israeli-leaders/

His brilliant lectures on international criminal law can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqf6ZP49vgYBtcTpvSMpQhuEw-0rS3XwY

Creators & Guests

Ayesha Malik
Team Lead at the Conflict Law Centre, Research Society of International Law
Douglas Guilfoyle
Professor, UNSW Canberra. ARC Future Fellow. International law & maritime security. Views my own douglas.guilfoyle@unsw.edu.au; https://t.co/mDIS8HnvvE (he/him)

What is @WAR?

@WAR explores anything related to armed conflict in the particular context of Pakistan

@WAR is an initiative of the Conflict Law Centre (CLC) at the Research Society of International Law, Pakistan (RSIL), an independent, non-partisan think tank based in Pakistan. The CLC is a unique portal at RSIL which is dedicated to the law of armed conflict and conducts research on all aspects of an armed conflict, including recourse to the use of force (the jus ad bellum), the conduct of war (jus in bello), and post-conflict transition and reconstruction (jus post bellum)