The Welltech Podcast

“The moment we are born, we start to age” says Professor Tzipi Strauss head of Neonatology at the Sheba Medical Center. 

She’s an expert on the beginning of life, but at the Global Wellness Summit in Tel-Aviv, she spoke to us about longevity, and how cutting-edge technology and multidisciplinary interventions are driving innovation and science-driven practices in the field of Longevity Medicine. 

You’ll hear Kim Marshall, from the ‘Global Wellness Conversations’ podcast, alongside our producer Jonathan Gal, interviewing Prof. Strauss – who is currently working on new center at Sheba, that aims to tackle the challenge of attaining healthy longevity.

Enjoy this episode, live long, and prosper!

What is The Welltech Podcast?

Welcome to "The Welltech Podcast", where we talk about Wellness - the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health; about the technology being developed in this field; and the industry and community growing around it. Hosted by Galit Horovitz & Amir Alroy, Co-founders of Welltech Ventures.

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