Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski

Connor and Nicole went to Bali on their honeymoon and fell in love with the island. Bali felt like waking up for the first time.

Now, both Nicole and Connor are creating art that contributes directly back to Bali, with sales supporting local nonprofits and charities.

Show Notes

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, I interview Connor and Nicole who are both about to launch their product businesses.

Connor and Nicole went to Bali on their honeymoon and fell in love with the island. They were both working at jobs that didn’t fulfill them and Bali felt like waking up for the first time. Nicole was the first to suggest an escape from her “dream job,” with Connor easily on board. Now, both Nicole and Connor are creating art that contributes directly back to Bali, with sales supporting local nonprofits and charities.

Make sure you check out Nicole’s business, August Effects, and Connor’s, Bandit’s Bandanas.

In this episode, you’ll find out: 

  • What thoughts and fears Nicole and Connor experienced planning their move.
  • How much they had to plan and learn, from making money and taking care of their dog right through to letting go of ego and comfort.
  • How they sustained themselves in Bali before setting up their own businesses.
  • How Nicole started August Effects, combining her love of art with supporting local fabric artists, linking up with a non-profit to help her achieve her goals.
  • Why Nicole knew she could start without being an expert in the field and how she started manufacturing.
  • How Connor learned to trust himself and the process when they moved to Bali, feeling like everything would work out.
  • What the lightbulb moment that sparked Bandit’s Bandanas was.
  • How Connor and Nicole adjusted to the lifestyle change being their own bosses was - not to mention living life on the beach!
  • What “start before you’re ready” taught Nicole and Connor.
  • What the next steps in building their online business are: websites, photoshoots, social media, and email marketing.
  • How they create meaning in their everyday life by being present and feeling excited from the moment they wake up.

 We touch on some really important messages: 

  • You need to figure out if comfortable is the best thing and maybe you need to stretch yourself.
  • You can become an expert on anything you want to.
  • Don’t be afraid to tell someone about your idea.

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If you loved this episode or others, please leave me review on iTunes – it would mean A LOT.

Love ya,


What is Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski?

The Live Your Heart Out Podcast is all about personal growth and lifestyle design for wild hearts, soulpreneurs and change-makers. It is a deep dive into the exploration of what it means to live a meaningful life. Conni Biesalski is a queer creative entrepreneur, blogger, YouTuber, vegan Yogi and digital nomad. Her mission is to show people that it is safe to be themselves.
The show features a mix of solo musings in Conni's raw+real, unplugged style as well as interviews with inspiring humans. Topics include personal development, raising consciousness, plant-based health, creativity, entrepreneurship, LGBTQ issues, holistic living, relationships, sex..all the good stuff!
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