The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast

The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 46 Season 4

Shappi Khorsandi and her Murderous Pets


Comedian Shappi Khorsandi should be writing, or performing online, or even spending quality mummy time with her kids.
Instead, she's hiding the evidence of her murderous cat and dog's swathe through the local wildlife...

Show Notes

Comedian Shappi Khorsandi was part of one of the last gigs Barbara Nice took part in before lockdown.
She has missed all her deadlines since then and she's kind of ok with it.

Here she talks to Barbara about perfect parenting in lockdown, how to adjust your work deadlines to fit around parenting and tidying up the mess after your killer pets have cut a swathe of death through the local wildlife.

Follow Shappi on Twitter here:

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We need all the help we can get to get more lug'oles on this podcast to spread a bit of lock down cheer to as many people as possible!

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What is The Mrs Barbara Nice & Friends Podcast?

Mrs Barbara Nice is finally persuaded to sit down for half an hour or so and share what's she's been getting up to that week.
Spend time in Barbara's world and meet some of her friends too as they discuss topics close to her heart.