The Sound

Tonight, on The Sound we bring you the self-titled debut from Scott Hefte and the Bury ‘Em Deep from Minneapolis. You’ve heard of country and western? Well, get ready for rock and western. That’s right, Mr. Hefte and the band seamlessly combine rock with a western feel and aesthetic, so in essence, they’ve dropped the roll and inserted western. Just to be clear here, they aren’t dropping and rolling, they are just dropping the roll off rock and roll and replacing it with western, I mean, I don’t know about any real roll off, per se, I just mean  that they live somewhere between rock and western music, ugh, oh boy, (maybe I should just say country rock… but I think its more than that… who writes this crap?) Hell, I’ll let you decide for yourself. Take a good listen ‘cause these rock n roll cowboys mean business, I’m Bill Stoneberg sayin’ grab a shovel as we get ready to dig in with Scott Hefte and the Bury ‘Em Deep, tonight, on The Sound.

Original air date: 04/10/24.
 The Sound is written and produced by KQAL 89.5FM on the campus of Winona State University.
 The Sound is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

What is The Sound?

In studio interview show centered around local and regional music releases. Includes music from the featured album and discussion with the artist(s) about the writing, recording and distribution processes. Might sometimes include producers and engineers involved on the featured album.