The Punch Up

Is war with China inevitable, or is the American strategy out of touch? Thomas P.M. Barnett is an American military geostrategist and Dale Moore is an innovation and technology leader, and together they join the panel to discuss the bastardization of America's Grand Strategy and what it means for different generations. Seemingly stuck in an era of political tribalism, America's grand strategy is fixated on the traditional appeal of focusing on the player instead of the board. Post-white-majority American is not interested in the wall-building and war-minded calls to action of the past, and want politics and strategy to focus on the bigger picture. With so many advances in technology and so many global problems on the horizon, there is an opportunity to embrace generational change and start looking at the board with a new anticipatory and imaginative mindset. Can the digital natives break the log jam and start strategizing with a new long-term perspective, or will we all fall victim to the weaponization of nostalgia?

Show notes:
🌟 Partnering to find authors: American Strategy Press. 01:37
▶️ Punch Up Roundtable: what kind of society do we want? 02:20
📘 “America’s New Map” launch day: Tom’s book is out. 04:14
📋 Grand Strategy in National Security: playing the player vs. playing the board. 06:59
🤔 Anticipatory leadership: the exponential acceleration of technology and the power of AI. 12:51
🆚 US versus China: bottom-up approach vs episodic approach.  15:36
👉 A non-commissioned officer in the US military has more agency than a three-star general in China: the US is unpredictable and highly responsive. 20:10
🏀 Commanding the fleet with no humans: Roomba basketball. 22:58 
👁️ Having systems out at the tactical edge with extraordinary computing capability vs. a closed bubble with mission command guidance. 24:22
🤖 Warfare with robots: AI in war and the power of humans running AI - the Centaur model. 26:35
📈 Leverage platform technologies 32:33
🪖 MMOWGLI Design for Maritime Singularity: usage of quantum and ‘artificial general intelligence’. 33:22.
🤯 The issues with left and right in America: trusting elitism and Trump as an elitism crusher? 38:27
⚠️ 2024 election cycle: a four-decade gap and the difference between young generations, superpowers, and supremacy. 41:15
⚖️ Errant behavior is typically rooted in fear and insecurity: the need for balance of support, structure, and opportunity in society, so it can compete internationally.  46:17
🎯 The importance of inclusivity in the election process: the media sets the agenda. 49:19
🟢 Dealing with the climate change shocks with preventative and integrative measures. 52:26
🧠 Exploring complex problems requires critical thinking: the media is building walls and fear. 56:02
⌛ Being stuck in the mindset where we can't question, and we can't experiment: it is time for old politicians to step down. 58: 43
🥅 We need leaders who will not look at left-right direction, but into problem-solving: new political leaders. 1:00:00
🌞 American democracy is based on the middle class: leading with head and heart to get to the best possible place. 1:04:43

What is The Punch Up?

The Punch Up is a place for difficult conversations, about everything from Beyonce to globalism, from climate change to religion, and from business to basketball. Key word: conversations. It's time that we talk about the difficult things in a way that is accessible, communal, and decidedly un-fake. Mark Fedeli and Kent Gustavson join guests of all rank and rigor, in both panel discussions and hotseat interviews.