Read With Me: Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis

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What is Read With Me: Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis?

Join Lisa VanDamme as she guides you through Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis.

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Arrowsmith is the story of an idealistic young doctor embarking on his
career, who finds himself torn between a pure devotion to scientific truth and the lure of
social and commercial success. In the words of the Signet Edition jacket description:
“Part satire, part morality tale, Lewis’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel illuminates the
mystery and power of science while giving enduring life to a singular American hero’s
struggle for integrity and intellectual freedom in a small-minded world.”

Why Lisa loves this book
Sinclair Lewis is known as a brilliant and incisive satirist, and here he
takes to task all the forces of commercialism and compromise that jeopardize the
pursuit of truth. But in this novel, unlike so many of his others, Lewis also offers us
something of a hero in Martin Arrowsmith. We join Martin on an arduous journey of
moral trial and self-discovery that has a lot to teach us about ourselves. Along the way,
we have the pleasure of meeting the lovable Leora, whom publisher Alfred Harcourt
called “just about the best woman character in American fiction.” This novel is astutely
observant, scathingly funny, deeply thought-provoking, and well-worth adding to your
literary repertoire.

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