Many of us crave a lasting change in our lives - to get healthier, wealthier, sexier, more productive, focused... you name it. But we also crave french fries, binge watching Netflix and all sorts of other things that stand in the way of our prospective bad-assedness.Committing to limited, time-bound discomfort experiments can bring respectable results over time... And show you, that discomfort really is relative.

Show Notes

Many of us crave a lasting change in our lives - to get healthier, wealthier, sexier, more productive, focused... you name it. But we also crave french fries, binge watching Netflix and all sorts of other things that stand in the way of our prospective bad-assedness.
Committing to limited, time-bound discomfort experiments can bring respectable results over time... And show you, that discomfort really is relative.

What is

Rambling on about personal growth and lifelong learning and the (mis)match between aspiration and reality.