Beyond the Screen

In this podcast, we delve into the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its impact on various industries. First, we explore concerns raised by employees at Adobe about the company's new AI tool, Firefly, and its potential to replace graphic designers. Then, we discuss LinkedIn's rumored AI tool, LinkedIn Coach, which aims to assist users in the job application process and improve networking on the platform. Lastly, we dive into Artifact, a news app created by Instagram co-founders, which introduces an AI-powered text-to-speech feature for reading news articles aloud. Join us as we navigate the questions surrounding transparency, ethics, and the environmental impact of the AI revolution. ★ Support this podcast ★

What is Beyond the Screen?

Explore the world of AI, ChatGPT, and AR with "Beyond the Screen" - a unique podcast hosted by Frank Nanninga. Each episode takes a deep dive into cutting-edge technology and its impact on our world. What sets "Beyond the Screen" apart is that it's entirely AI-powered. The artwork is created by Midjourney, news sourced by OpenAI, and even the host's voice is cloned. - each episode is crafted by AI to create an immersive experience.

The best part? "Beyond the Screen" is available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Hindi with the same AI-generated voice.