Attorney 911

Attorney 911 Trailer Bonus Episode 15 Season 1

What is the Post-Election Update on Abortion?

What is the Post-Election Update on Abortion?What is the Post-Election Update on Abortion?

In this compelling Attorney911 interview, injury lawyer Ralph Manginello delves into the complexities of abortion law post-election in Texas and across the country. Gain clarity on this highly debated issue with expert insights and legal perspectives.
Key points discussed include:
  • Details of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision
  • Is abortion illegal in Texas?
  • What is Chapter 170A of the Health and Safety Code?
  • Felony charges doctors could face for performing an abortion
  • Fines doctors might incur for performing an abortion
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What is Attorney 911?

Welcome to Attorney 911, the podcast, with Attorney Ralph Manganiello. Let's get some answers to the most asked questions. We break down legal issues and provide expert advice to help you navigate life's legal challenges. You might even call us your first responder to a legal emergency. Attorney 911, the podcast with real-world cases, valuable insights, and practical tips you can use today. It's time to get smart, like a lawyer.