Conservation Tribe

HalfCut was created by founders James Stanton-Cooke (Jimmy) and Jessica Clarke. HalfCut is a widely known social movement that engages people of all cultures, ages and sexes to raise awareness and raise funds for forest conservation & regeneration. Why? Over 50% of the world’s forests are destroyed. To encourage people to be a visual distribution, starting conversations about conservation.

Show Notes

Episode Breakdown:
→ What is HalfCut and what is the story behind the organization?
→ Why is deforestation a problem?
→ Combatting climate change through saving rainforests
→ The next decade is critical for the climate crisis
→ Triple switch for Earth
→ What is your ultimate mission and vision for HalfCut?
→ Plus more!

You can connect with us below 😊

Instagram (HalfCut)
Instagram (Jimmy)

Host - Blane Edwards from Earth Offline:

Are you a wildlife conservationist, environmentalist or eco activist? Then this podcast might be for you! Click SUBSCRIBE to join our TRIBE! :)

What is Conservation Tribe?

The Conservation Tribe is a weekly podcast which interviews a range of conservationists and natural world enthusiasts - from scientists, students, creatives, ecopreneurs, innovators and everyone in between! I created this podcast with the mission to EDUCATE, foster COLLABORATION and ultimately INSPIRE ACTION to protect species, ecosystems and biodiversity!

SUBSCRIBE to our TRIBE! 🌏🦧♻️

Podcast host: Blane Edwards aka Earth Offline