The Bodacious Optimist

Claire Coder is the founder and CEO of Aunt Flow. Founded in 2016 when Claire was just 18, Aunt Flow supplies free-vend dispensers and 100% organic cotton menstrual products to businesses and schools to ensure that everyone has access to healthy, sustainable menstrual products wherever they are. Aunt Flow has implemented free period products in thousands of bathrooms and donated millions of tampons and pads. In this interview, Claire and Sascha talk about creating new business categories, “Flow Bros” and “Fairy Pod Fathers,” and what it feels like to be the Betty Crocker of menstruation.

Stadiums that stock Aunt Flow
Menstrual Equity Legislation

content warning: swearing, 31:20-32:20

What is The Bodacious Optimist?

Entrepreneur, mother, and cofounder of Mamava—the inventor of the freestanding lactation pod—Sascha Mayer introduces her newest baby: The Bodacious Optimist, a podcast dedicated to celebrating and learning from the people who have inspired and supported her entrepreneurial journey. They are designers and storytellers, business leaders and activists who have challenged the status quo and thrived. Bodacious Optimists believe that there are always solutions waiting to be unveiled.