Moving Radio

Christian Zyp interviews Nathan Tape (dir/writer) & Tim Cairo (writer/prod) about their film OFF RAMP. It's making its Edmonton Premiere at the Metro Cinema June 2, 2024 @ 6:45 pm.

In OFF RAMP, a couple of lovable, degenerate Juggalos, Trey and Silas, journey through America's hellish underbelly to The Gathering of the Juggalos, the one place on earth they feel accepted. On the way, they are detoured by a psychotic powerful Sheriff, a violent blood ritual, a trailer park princess, a backwoods gang, and a country cop tripping on LSD. And then things start to get really crazy. Originally aired on CJSR. Find out more at

What is Moving Radio?

Moving Radio focuses on Albertan, Canadian, and independent cinema. Join host/producer Christian Zyp and contributors Lindsey Campbell, Mark Davies & Lucas Anders monthly for entertaining interviews, film reviews, and anything else silver screen related.