Living Rock Podcast

Ephesians 6:10-18– The sword of the Spirit (v.17), the word of God is our weapon of advance! This includes the ‘now’ words of God (rhema), which the Spirit of God speaks over each of our lives. We need to know what they are and what to do with them. Paul told Timothy to wage warfare with the prophetic words given to him (1 Tim 1:18). God wants each of us to have such specific and clear words. When God has spoken, we can ‘recall’ them, until they come into being.

In the book of Judges 20, we see war breaking out between the Israelites and the Benjamites. Although God told the Israelites they would win the war, they faced significant losses in the first two battles. It was only during the third battle that the Israelites saw the fulfilment of God’s word to them in victory. In the midst of setbacks they learned to persevere in waging warfare with God’s words. In the heat of the battle they learned how to encourage and stand by one another, when things seemed to get worse, and not better. We have an enemy whose strategy has always been to tempt God’s children to doubt His words, in order to dispossess us of our inheritance. We need to wage warfare with those words until we see their fulfilment. In this, God will make us overcomers, together!

Show Notes

Ephesians 6:10-18– The sword of the Spirit (v.17), the word of God is our weapon of advance! This includes the ‘now’ words of God (rhema), which the Spirit of God speaks over each of our lives. We need to know what they are and what to do with them. Paul told Timothy to wage warfare with the prophetic words given to him (1 Tim 1:18). God wants each of us to have such specific and clear words. When God has spoken, we can ‘recall’ them, until they come into being.

In the book of Judges 20, we see war breaking out between the Israelites and the Benjamites. Although God told the Israelites they would win the war, they faced significant losses in the first two battles. It was only during the third battle that the Israelites saw the fulfilment of God’s word to them in victory. In the midst of setbacks they learned to persevere in waging warfare with God’s words. In the heat of the battle they learned how to encourage and stand by one another, when things seemed to get worse, and not better. We have an enemy whose strategy has always been to tempt God’s children to doubt His words, in order to dispossess us of our inheritance. We need to wage warfare with those words until we see their fulfilment. In this, God will make us overcomers, together!

What is Living Rock Podcast?

Living Rock Church is a friendly, growing Christian church, meeting each week in Stoney Stanton, Atherstone, Market Harborough & Kenya. We’ve discovered that Jesus changes lives, heals bodies, restores families and gives meaning and purpose to us all. We’re convinced that church should be positive, practical, relevant and great fun! This podcast contains audio recordings from our Sunday gatherings.