Antioch Dallas - Sermon Podcast

We receive the Holy Spirit when we put our faith in Jesus. He is a gift. Beyond receiving Him, we are invited to be filled with the Holy Spirit, Who is the access point for His gifts.

Show Notes

As we have been studying Luke we have seen the Holy Spirit at work in the life and ministry of Jesus. As we look to the future chapters of Luke, we are going to begin to see the power and presence of the Holy Spirit extending from Jesus into the ministry of the disciples. 

So to prepare for where Luke is going to take us, we are going to spend the next several weeks, with a bookmark in Luke, but exploring the idea of our gifts, talents, and strengths that God has given us as well as the role of the Holy Spirit in the activation of spiritual gifts. 

In this series you are going to learn: 
  • What some of your natural gifts/talents/strengths are
  • What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how to experience it.
  • Understanding, activating and growing in your spiritual gifts.
We receive the Holy Spirit when we put our faith in Jesus. He is a gift. Beyond receiving Him, we are invited to be filled with the Holy Spirit, Who is the access point for His gifts.

What is Antioch Dallas - Sermon Podcast?

We are a church to help people like you and me experience Jesus. Thank you for listening to our podcast. We hope it inspires you in your faith, encourages you, and empowers you in your calling.