Texas Agriculture Today

*This was a record year for fed cattle prices.  

*The deadline to apply for USDA’s Conservation Stewardship Program is coming soon.  

*Texas farms & ranches lose nearly $200 million a year from natural disasters. 

*Estate planning is an important responsibility for farmers and ranchers.  

*If dairy farmers vote in favor of a proposed rule, make allowances could rise.  

*Cattle producers should focus on producing quality beef when it comes time to rebuild their herds. 

*Winter pastures are growing in East Texas.  

*There is a new process for diagnosing equine diseases.  

What is Texas Agriculture Today?

Texas Ag Today is a daily look at the latest news in Texas agriculture, hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Carey Martin along with the largest and most experienced farm news team in the Lone Star State. We cover agriculture in every corner of Texas, from the piney woods of East Texas to the rocky ranges of the Trans-Pecos and from the Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley.