Start With A Win

Ethan Beute, head of Marketing at BombBomb joins Adam for this episode of the Start with a Win podcast. They discuss the ideas behind the BombBomb systems and services as well as Ethan’s book “Rehumanize Your Business.” The conversation is filled with truth nuggets that anyone can apply to their personal and professional lives.

Show Notes

On this episode of the Start with a Win podcast, Adam interviews Ethan Beute, head of Marketing at BombBomb, headquartered in Colorado Springs. With a background in broadcasting and marketing in the Midwest, Ethan decided about 10 years ago to transition to something more focused on social media and digital marketing. He started with BombBomb about 8 years ago and he has felt at home there ever since.
BombBomb is a company that is making it super easy to record videos to be sent over email and social media and allows you to easily track the results. They believe that interactions are better in person, and video is the best way to connect with someone if you can’t be in the same physical location. Their video features allow you to build rapport with leads, clients, and referrals and communicate like only you can, especially in the real estate industry. They have developed some innovative plugins to software like Gmail, which make it easy to use videos in your email communications.
Ethan is the co-author of the book called “Rehumanize Your Business” which encapsulates the philosophies and guiding principles of BombBomb and provides readers with insights into the world of video emails. The book presents this as the new way to work and explores questions such as: What does relationship through video look like? Why does it matter? Who is using relationship through video? When should you do this? How? The authors also discuss advanced strategies and how and when to follow up based on your open, click through, and action rates.
While it can be awkward to see and hear yourself over video, Ethan points out that everyone else already sees and hears you that way, so it is only uncomfortable for you. And don’t let this get into your head or discourage you from trying; the best way to get over the discomfort is to just keep doing videos and getting more comfortable with it. When you connect with people over video, they feel like the know you before you have even met, which makes it easier to skip the small talk and get straight to the point.
Ethan starts his day with an early morning cup of coffee and conversation with his wife followed by his fitness routine and getting out the door to work by 7:00am. His favorite quote is “Be of value and abundance will follow” and his advice to others is to do the next right thing.

“Let My People Go Surfing” by Yvon Chouinard: 

Connect with Ethan:
“Rehumanize Your Business” book:

Connect with Adam: 

What is Start With A Win?

Every day you have a choice. You can wake up and choose to give in to mediocrity and complacency, you can choose bad habits and poor choices, and you can do the bare minimum to get by and fly under the radar. Or you can choose to make today the day that sets you apart from the crowd, you can choose to start doing the right things, the things that will set you up for success. You can choose to create a life that is worth living, worth waking up to, and worth sharing with the world around you. Today You can choose to start with a win.