Exploring Astrophysics

I talked with Dr. Matthew Evans about his work with LIGO, the group researching gravitational waves that gained the 2017 nobel prize for physics.

Show Notes

Dr. Evans is designing new technologies to improve advanced LIGO, a laser interferometer that detects gravitational waves. In 2019 he was awarded the New Horizons in physics prize for research on present and future ground-based detectors of gravitational waves. I talked to him about how he accidentally got into the field of astrophysics, and his work in the LIGO group.

What is Exploring Astrophysics?

Join me as I learn about the world of Astrophysics. My name is Vikram Bhamre and I am 18 years old. On my podcast, Exploring Astrophysics, I chat with some of the most incredible astrophysicists around the world on the most interesting questions left unanswered in astrophysics. What's amazing is how helpful and forthcoming they all are and I hope you too are inspired when you listen to them.