Outrage Factory

Geoff Gauthier stopped by as a guest host because Derek is away taking care of his fresh new baby. Win Butler of Arcade Fire is being accused of sexual misconduct, which is less than sexual assualt but still gross. Andrew Tate is garbage. The BCGEU went on strike and now they’re rationing hard alcohol and now cannabis which is great. Dale talks about Joe Rogan again. The precise location scare was a marketing hoax by a marketing company. Do you want to see a picture of my new watch. Dale got chased by a bear.
Outrage Quickhits: Spanking back in schools. Tesla videos hitting toddler sized mannequins. New York wants you to show ID to buy Nitrous Oxide canisters. AI rapper dropped from label. Republicans used a logo with klan hoods in it. Zeller’s is coming back. Climate activists filled golf holes with cement. Chat bot says zuckerberg is exploiting workers.

Show Notes

What made the internet angry this week?
Geoff Gauthier stopped by as a guest host because Derek is away taking care of his fresh new baby. Win Butler of Arcade Fire is being accused of sexual misconduct, which is less than sexual assualt but still gross. Andrew Tate is garbage. The BCGEU went on strike and now they’re rationing hard alcohol and now cannabis which is great. Dale talks about Joe Rogan again. The precise location scare was a marketing hoax by a marketing company. Do you want to see a picture of my new watch. Dale got chased by a bear. 
Outrage Quickhits: Spanking back in schools. Tesla videos hitting toddler sized mannequins. New York wants you to show ID to buy Nitrous Oxide canisters. AI rapper dropped from label. Republicans used a logo with klan hoods in it. Zeller’s is coming back. Climate activists filled golf holes with cement. Chat bot says zuckerberg is exploiting workers.

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We're the world's leading only internet outrage-related podcast, taking a good hard look at the things that made social media mad this week, and explaining why you're dumb for caring.