Product Thinking

This month we're reviewing Loved: How to Rethink Marketing for Tech Products by Martina Lauchengco. It is the latest book from SVPG and focuses on product marketing. So how does it stack up?

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This month we're reviewing Loved: How to Rethink Marketing for Tech Products by Martina Lauchengco. It is the latest book from SVPG and focuses on product marketing. So how does it stack up?

Overall, I was disappointed by Loved. I had hoped for a solid book on product marketing with insights or tidbits I could use as a product manager or product leader. I didn’t feel like I got that. It felt more like a heavily corporatized book, focused on the boardroom or consultant.

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A podcast with a fresh perspective about the best in product thinking. From product management and UX design to psychology and philosophy. How can we bring it all together to make life, our products, and our user experiences better.