Enacting the Kingdom

If life is a play, indeed a drama, what are our lines?

Fr Geoffrey and Fr Yuri explore the analogy of God's story as a five act play, where we have intimate knowledge of the three acts that have come before, book-ended by intimate knowledge of the final act, while in the midst of act four.  

As Christians we often look for a script, or mistakenly think we already have and know the script, when in reality this is an unscripted act.  We have to improvise.  With utter fidelity, we must receive the tradition that has been given us (acts 1-3), and honour the telos we are headed towards (act 5).  We must train, so that we instinctively react in the right way when faced with any given situation, to properly enact God's story in the world.
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What is Enacting the Kingdom?

Welcome to ‘Enacting the Kingdom’: A Podcast about Liturgical Worship.

Fr. Yuri Hladio is an Orthodox Christian Priest with a life-long desire to keep learning. Fr. Geoffrey holds a doctorate in Liturgical Theology and is the co-director of the Orthodox School of Theology at the University of Toronto. Together they explore the liturgical services of the Orthodox Christian Church.