
The first part of a two-hour conversation with Comrade Adam from Red Library: A Political Education Podcast for Today's Left.

Show Notes

This episode of From78 was a real joy for me to do because I was able to have a long conversation with Comrade Adam. Adam does his own Podcast called Red Library, and if you don't already listen to it you really really really should!

In this episode, we start to suss out each of our own ghosts and our current orientation as dialectical (revolutionary?) pessimists.

The entire uncut interview is available right this red hot second via the From78 Patreon page

What is From78?

From78 is a podcast about people in time.
The host is a dude who was born in 1978, who is literally From78. On the show, From78 talks to people who are older, young, or about the same age as he is about what the past and the future as they experience is. Topics discussed include: Hauntology, technology, politics, theory, art, culture, theology, and a wide range of other sundry things and stuff.

Along with these discussions, there are occasional audio-essays about what it is like to be From78 in the here and now.