Yoga Connection With Zorananda

Welcome to the Yoga Connection with Zorananda. In this episode I introduce a new yogic energetic system called the Prana Vayus. I specifically dive into the first prana vayu called apana vayu.

Check out these YouTube links from my yoga teacher Yogrishi Vishvketu to see how Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, and Anuloma Viloma are practiced.

Bhastrika and Kapalabhati:

Anuloma Viloma:

You can find my book, music, and meditations in the links here:


Spotify Music:

Amazon Book:

What is Yoga Connection With Zorananda?

The Yoga Connection is a deep dive into everything yoga. Follow along with Zorananda and his guests as they discuss yoga history, spirituality, different practices, and the many misconceptions that have followed along throughout the years of yogic tradition.