Leaders Who Scale

Business owners often ask what is the most important thing they need in order to grow their business. Dennis Najjar has the answer to that question and many more, and he was kind enough to share them on this episode. You’ll learn about finding the right people, making sure they are in the right role, and how your business can follow your day one goals.
Finding the right people is the most important part of scaling a business. Once you find the right people, they aren’t always in the right seats or roles and you need to mentor them and guide them to get them to the seat with the most potential for them. 
When on Zoom for work, it is an unwritten rule that everyone should have their camera on. At this point, the background doesn’t really matter, you don’t need a special green screen. Many people appreciate seeing the realistic environments of their coworkers.
To scale to a large size, you need to build infrastructure within your company. This can take the form of different departments such as marketing, HR, accounting, etc.
Having a comprehensive and extensive training program for new employees allows your company to deliver a consistent experience to every customer at scale.
Business leaders should always be looking for ways to grow their business and work on their business. Think about how to prepare someone else to take over the day-to-day work in the business, so that when that time comes, it’s a smooth transition. 
When working remotely, you will get more from your employees if you treat them right and give them respect than if you try to micromanage and monitor everything they do throughout the day. The latter approach leads to deep resentment towards the company.
Your business should become a specialist rather than a jack of all trades. Once you begin trying to do something else for a client, you will have to invest time and money into learning that new service.
Quote of the Show:
“My advice would be, get more focused and try not to be a Jack of all trades to everybody” - Dennis Najjar
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennisnajjar/
Company website: https://www.accountingdepartment.com/
Ways to Tune In
Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/337eea2a-f8ab-4b4f-8a36-fe4143b5913b
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leaders-who-scale/id1609131634
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5PFtdxDlXcnaojG8jJk74T
Google Podcast: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGVhZGVyc3dob3NjYWxlLmNvbS9mZWVkLnhtbA
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Z3H0TGF97_g

Show Notes

Business owners often ask what is the most important thing they need in order to grow their business. Dennis Najjar has the answer to that question and many more, and he was kind enough to share them on this episode. You’ll learn about finding the right people, making sure they are in the right role, and how your business can follow your day one goals.



  • Finding the right people is the most important part of scaling a business. Once you find the right people, they aren’t always in the right seats or roles and you need to mentor them and guide them to get them to the seat with the most potential for them. 
  • When on Zoom for work, it is an unwritten rule that everyone should have their camera on. At this point, the background doesn’t really matter, you don’t need a special green screen. Many people appreciate seeing the realistic environments of their coworkers.
  • To scale to a large size, you need to build infrastructure within your company. This can take the form of different departments such as marketing, HR, accounting, etc.
  • Having a comprehensive and extensive training program for new employees allows your company to deliver a consistent experience to every customer at scale.
  • Business leaders should always be looking for ways to grow their business and work on their business. Think about how to prepare someone else to take over the day-to-day work in the business, so that when that time comes, it’s a smooth transition. 
  • When working remotely, you will get more from your employees if you treat them right and give them respect than if you try to micromanage and monitor everything they do throughout the day. The latter approach leads to deep resentment towards the company.
  • Your business should become a specialist rather than a jack of all trades. Once you begin trying to do something else for a client, you will have to invest time and money into learning that new service.


Quote of the Show:

  • “My advice would be, get more focused and try not to be a Jack of all trades to everybody” - Dennis Najjar




Ways to Tune In

What is Leaders Who Scale?

Welcome to Leaders Who Scale, a show about helping you get the right people, processes, and technology in place to set your company up for sustainable growth. Alongside host Jeff Siegel, you‘ll learn from industry experts and business owners who are succeeding in scaling their companies. Leaders Who Scale is sponsored by Siegel Solutions https://siegelsolutions.com/