Fake Nerds Watch

The Fake Nerd gang come together to dive deeper on the shows they're watching. This is Fake Nerds Watch! 

The Star Wars saga continues with the first season of Ahsoka!

The long-anticipated sequel series to Star Wars: Rebels has finally arrived and the Fake Nerds are stoked to talk about it! Some of the most exciting times in recent Star Wars happened right here in Ahsoka Episode 4 "Fallen Jedi" and Episode 5 "Shadow Warrior." Ben, Ryan, Brandon, and Sparkz give a ton of thought and time to these episodes as they measure out everything they enjoyed about the decisions here and what nitpicks they had along the way. There's a lot of interesting stuff to talk over here, we hope you enjoy the conversation!

Watch the episode here: https://youtu.be/_zk89ZR8GtY

*This episode was originally recorded on September 19th, 2023 and withheld in support of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

Fake Nerd Podcast is an audio podcast where we offer a more positive take on pop culture with news, reviews and interviews from the likes of Marc Guggenheim and Andrea Romano. 

Find us at ITunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, and wherever else you listen to podcasts. 




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What is Fake Nerds Watch?

A spin-off of the Fake Nerd Podcast where the fake nerds break down your favorite shows episode by episode!