The European Startup Show

46% of entrepreneurs say access to capital is the biggest headache for their startups and yet while overall capital invested in European tech has increased even from last year ($41B, 130% increase from the year before), the interesting statistic is that the number of pre-seed rounds has decreased. In today’s episode, I talk to Melinda Elmborg who is the accelerator co-lead at Fast Track Malmö about this problem. Melinda helps startups grow and raise their first VC round as part of Malmo. Previously, she was a VC investor at Daphni in France.

Show Notes

  • [1:21] Your journey from VC to accelerator head
  • [3:02] What stage does Malmo focus on?
  • [3:59] What trends are you seeing in the fundraising landscape - on what’s working and what is not?
  • [12:36] The problem of pre-seed funding in Europe and what can be done to fix it
  • [25:58] How can people find the right angels if they don't have the network?

What is The European Startup Show?

To inspire technology entrepreneurs in Europe with stories and practical strategies from other successful entrepreneurs.

If you are a CEO, founder, or work in sales or marketing, and your company is based in Europe or is looking to expand into Europe, then this podcast is for you.