Wisdom and Compassion

Counting the breath meditation involves a deliberate and focused observation of the breath. The practitioner assumes a comfortable posture conducive to alertness and relaxation. With eyes either gently closed or slightly open, attention is drawn inward to the sensation of breathing.

As the breath flows naturally, the practitioner directs their awareness to the rhythm of exhalation. With each outbreath, there is a mental noting or counting of the breath. This counting occurs silently within the mind. The practitioner may choose to count from one to a predetermined number, often up to ten or twenty.

The focus is solely on the sensation of the breath leaving the body. The practitioner observes the entire duration of the outbreath, from the initial release of air to the moment it ceases. Each exhalation is acknowledged with a mental count.

Throughout this practice, the practitioner maintains a gentle yet unwavering attention on the breath. The counting serves as an anchor, grounding the mind in the present moment and providing a focal point for concentration. It serves to minimize distractions and wandering thoughts.

The music for this episode is “Starlight” - by Podington Bear of Portland, Oregon - Thanks to composer Chad Crouch. Support Chad here.

What is Wisdom and Compassion?

Buddhism for here and now. The Wisdom and Compassion podcast is an offering of Dekeling, a Buddhist community in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to sharing the principles and practices of Buddhism in an accessible and inclusive way, to human beings everywhere. We support your right to awaken to your spiritual potential in whatever way inspires you.