Dallas Dirt

Parks may seem like a luxury, but what value do city parks bring? In this episode of Dallas Dirt, April Towery asks Rudy Karimi, the District 14 Parks and Recreation Board member for the City of Dallas, that question on the heels of a massive $345 million bond package proposed to voters.

"World-class cities prioritize parks," Karimi said. They discuss the importance of parks for the city's development, the recently approved bond package for parks, which will go before Dallas voters on May 4, 2024, and the public engagement process for a proposed skate park in Dallas. They also touch on the master plan for Old City Park, opportunities for combining parks with housing, and upcoming upgrades to recreation centers. 

What is Dallas Dirt?

The Dallas Dirt podcast with Candy Evans takes you inside the real estate news stories you’ll find daily on CandysDirt.com and beyond, giving you more insight, juicier details, and the inside scoop from one of Dallas’ most well-connected real estate personalities.