Behind The Line

Join trauma therapist & host, Lindsay Faas, along with guest, Paramedic, Jeff. Jeff shares about his own mental health battle resulting from the job he loved. He shares about his many learnings, gets real about the risks of suicide, and offers hope for those feeling on the brink. We share some awesome laughs, connect vulnerably around some hard topics, and offer some honest thoughts about how to change the world. Check out Jeff's latest project, the Detachment Technique, by checking out the link in the show notes.

Show Notes

Show Notes

I so enjoyed today’s talk with Paramedic, Jeff. I heard Jeff’s story in a news article – you can find it here on CBC and here on CTV news. He shares bravely, openly and vulnerably about his experience of mental health decline and crisis as a result of his exposure within his work. He describes his intentions of taking his own life and shares about what helped him through this incredibly difficult time in his life. I am beyond grateful for this conversation, for the laughs we had a chance to share along with the willingness to talk about hard topics that need more air time. 

Jeff now participates as one of the founding members of the Detachment Technique, a program designed to support those on the front lines with moving through shock and processing the immediate aftermath of trauma. You can learn more, here.

During this episode I also mention the Beating the Breaking Point Indicators Checklist & Triage Guide, a free tool that allows you to check in (over and over again!!) and see where you are at as it relates to burnout, compassion fatigue, and related traumatic/stress exposure concerns. Don’t just use this tool as a one-and-done – it is designed to be something you reuse on a regular basis that can help mark changes in your mental wellness status and offer you some interventions to work your way back to steady ground. You can snag the tool for free on our website here.

Episode Challenge:

Reflect on where you’re at and what you might need by using our free Beating the Breaking Point Indicators Checklist & Triage Guide. Signing up for this resource is also how you can jump on our email list where we’ll send you reminders up new podcast episodes and bonus resources.

Additional Resources:

Grab our free Workplace Suicide Risk Prevention infographic, used as a tool to promote education, understanding and tools for meaningful support by workplaces and teams.

Learn more about the Beating the Breaking Point Resilience Series & Survival Guide – a complete program that offers a step by step road map to build a plan for sustainability and wellness, designed just for First Responders & Front Line Workers and the challenges you face. 

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What is Behind The Line?

Created for First Responders and Front Line Workers to tackle the challenges of working on the front lines. Dig into topics on burnout, workplace dynamics, managing mental health, balancing family life...and so much more. Created and hosted by Lindsay Faas, clinical counsellor and trauma therapist. View the show notes, and access bonus resources at