Talking Cod: a survivor’s guide to middle age

In the latest episode of Talking Cod, Phil, Dave, and Andy examine the delicate tapestry of relationships that surround us in middle age. 

As we transition through life's milestones, our family, intimate friends, and mentors often become the pillars of our identity.

Through the usually lively chat, some pretty deep anecdotes, and a dash of humour, the trio unpack how our bonds evolve and how, as our social spheres get smaller, the quality and supportiveness of these connections get deeper.

And we look at the comfort we get from knowing we have a backup when the brown stuff hits the fan. Whether it's a pat on the back or a shoulder to lean on, the 'inner circle' becomes our safe haven.

As always, if you like what you hear, don't hesitate to like, share, follow, or drop a comment. For those keen to participate or learn more, reach out to us at

Creators & Guests

Andy Hall
Love to ask questions and learning about myself and others every day. Hate labels except; Executive Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Host, Mentor, Husband, Dad, Friend. Mental health ambassador. Triathlete. Make a positive difference every day.
David Eccles
Development Director. Middleman. Trail walking, running, riding, fire lighting, BBQ’r (AKA The Rave)
Phil Birchenall
I’m the founder of Diagonal Thinking, a smart consultancy for people in the creative, media and digital industries.

What is Talking Cod: a survivor’s guide to middle age?

Three northern blokes talk about midlife and growing old disgracefully: the kind of things you want to say, but rarely ever do.

Hosts David Eccles, Phil Birchenall and Andy Hall explore how confronting life head-on - with all the crap it throws your way - makes you stronger, older, bolder and, of course, that little bit wiser.

We’ll share our own experiences and talk to friends about life’s ups and downs, what’s worked, and what definitely didn’t.

Frank, fearless, funny. Talking Cod.