
Ctrl+Alt+Azure Trailer Bonus Episode 10 Season 1

010 - Thoughts about Azure Security Center essentials

010 - Thoughts about Azure Security Center essentials010 - Thoughts about Azure Security Center essentials


In this episode we talk about Azure Security Center. Getting started with ASC is easy, and it also aligns with Azure Advisor recommendations. We talk about the essentials features of ASC, as well as the lesser known capabilities such as File Integration Monitoring.

Tag along for this episode to learn more about Azure Security Center, and how to secure your Azure subscriptions!

Show Notes

Creators & Guests

Jussi Roine | Microsoft MVP
Hey 👋 Awesome with Security + AI. Building high-performing businesses | Microsoft MVP/MCM/MCT | Ctrl+Alt+Azure 🎙️ | Dad of 3 | Powerlifting + 🥦
Tobias Zimmergren
Principal Content Lead @Microsoft. Co-host @CtrlAltAzure. Tweets about #azure, #security, #cybersecurity, #architecture, and more. Ex MVP (13yrs)

What is Ctrl+Alt+Azure?

This is the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast. We talk about all things Microsoft, including Microsoft Azure, and share our experiences and thoughts on the way. Your hosts are Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine.