The Business of Open Source

Josh Thurman, Co-founder and Head of DevRel at Uffizzi, joins me to chat about his journey from Navy Seal to tech startup Co-founder.

In this episode, Josh and I discuss his background as a Navy Seal, how he dove into tech and started Uffizzi, and the mistakes and failures he overcame along the way. We also dig into open source as a development model, creating vs. capturing value, and the importance of compatibility with software users are already implementing. Listen to find out what Josh considers his biggest failure, how he and Uffizzi overcame it, and how companies are using the product now. 
  • Josh introduces himself and Uffizzi (0:45)
  • Josh recounts early failures at Uffizzi (3:55)
  • How Josh and Uffizzi settled on open source (6:28)
  • Open source as a development model (9:33)
  • Creating vs. Capturing value (10:50)
  • Josh discusses the importance of modularity and compatibility with other software (13:36)
  • Why Uffizzi decided to focus on Kubernetes (15:54
  • Why Josh as a founder, chose the role of Head of DevRel (17:25)
  • How Josh and Uffizzi pivoted to recover from the failures he discussed earlier (20:33)
  • Uffizzi case studies (27:01)


What is The Business of Open Source?

Whether you're a founder of an open source startup, an open source maintainer or just an open source enthusiast, join host Emily Omier as she talks to the people who work at the intersection of open source and business, from startup founders to leaders of open source giants and all the people who help open source startups grow.