Unrefined Podcast .com

In this podcast episode, biblical studies scholar Matthew McGuire discusses his book "A Magical World: How the Bible Makes Sense of the Supernatural," exploring the intersection of the supernatural, ESP, and Christian beliefs. The hosts, including Brandon, BT, and Lindsy, engage in a deep conversation about spiritual laws, the latent power of the human spirit, and the biblical and historical perspectives on paranormal phenomena. They consider the implications of near-death experiences, peak experiences, and the role of love in spiritual connections. The episode highlights the book's apologetic approach, its relevance to evangelical audiences, and concludes with a prayer from McGuire.

A Magical World is available in Kindle, Paperback, & Hardcover at Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D22X3XLF
Visit the book website at http://AMagicalWorld.info
Author website: https://MattMcGuire.net
Contact information: matt@themattmcguire.com

The bible and human experience of the supernatural (00:00:07)
Introduction of the guest and his book (00:00:28)
Matthew McGuire's background and inspiration for writing the book (00:04:09)
Understanding the terms "supernatural" and "paranormal" (00:08:05)
Exploring extrasensory perception (ESP) and spiritual sensitivity (00:13:24)
Empirical evidence for extrasensory perception (ESP) (00:16:48)
Sensitive to Spiritual Things (00:19:43)
ESP and Love (00:20:06)
Demon in the Gaps (00:22:21)
Robert the Doll (00:24:01)
Human Mind and ESP (00:25:55)
Supernatural and Gray Areas (00:27:06)
Pastoral Sensitivity to Spiritual Gifts (00:29:31)
Latent Power of the Soul (00:30:49)
Baptism and Protection from Evil Spirits (00:34:26)
Engagement with the Supernatural (00:36:39)
The secessionists' supernatural acts (00:38:59)
Defining near-death experiences (00:39:31)
Peak and Darrien experiences (00:41:28)
Sinister forces and out-of-body experiences (00:43:50)
Ghosts and biblical perspectives (00:48:29)
Biblical authors' view on ghosts (00:52:16)
Monotheistic therapeutic materialism in Christianity (00:57:26)
Eyewitness Testimonies and Convincing the Fence-Sitters (00:59:22)
A Different Approach to Apologetics (01:01:31)
Chapters Covering Various Supernatural Topics (01:03:27)
Prayer and Closing Remarks (01:05:06)

What is Unrefined Podcast .com?

What’s beyond the veil? The nature of this world we live in is unrefined.

Yes, we live in this multifaceted world of the SEEN and the UNSEEN.
In each episode we go beyond the veil in our own personal unrefined way.

Our podcast recipe includes: the supernatural, the strange and unexplained from a biblical perspective, PLUS deep dives into the Word AND a wee bit of the conspiratorial for good measure.