Infinite Live with Akasha

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We had an amazing time with Donna Stellhorn talking about the astrology of the next couple of years.

We have a wild ride ahead of us and some of the key points for this year are lots of forward movement for a few months February through April. And this is a time to really get your financial ducks in a row and be prepared for some volatile ups and downs in terms of the financial market or things around finances value money and success.

We talked about the eclipses and the important energies that are coming the summer being restful but may be lonely and the beautiful opportunities for the adventure that is opening up this year.

Make sure you share this and thank you so much for being a part of this wonderful show.

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Manifest The Life Your Soul Intended. Adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

BlissLife with Akasha is a weekly podcast with host Nan Akasha. Come join Akasha's adventures in LightBody and Beyond.

Meditations, readings, chakras, sacred geometry and much more and beyond.

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