Writers Unlimited

Listen to our podcast A Short Guide to Meat, in which Winternachten programme maker Joëlle Koorneef talks to Ruth Ozeki, the Japanese-American author who has written about meat like no other.

Show Notes

Listen to our podcast A Short Guide to Meat, in which Winternachten programme maker Joëlle Koorneef talks to Ruth Ozeki, the Japanese-American author who has written about meat like no other. My Year of Meats (1998) is a humorous but very critical novel about, among other things, the meat industry. It was a true sensation. In the book, a raw comparison is made between woman and meat, with two plotlines that are slowly woven together. Thinking about the objectification, sexualization, and consumption of both meat and women's bodies comes together in this novel.

This podcast will help you navigate through the program ‘Meat:Woman’ on the 16th of June 2022 during the Dutch literary festival Winternachten 2022. Ruth Ozeki’s novel My Year of Meats was a major inspiration in thinking about connections between meat and women.

In this podcast episode, we hear from Ruth Ozeki how she gained inspiration for My Year of Meats as a TV producer and through her work on gory horror film sets. Further, Ozeki reflects on questions such as: What role does activism have in literature? And how does the writer look back on her venture into meat over 20 years later, quite a few steps further into the vegetarian revolution? Ozeki is not attending our festival, but her work was a great inspiration for one of the festival programs this year. Therefore, we are honoured to have this substantive conversation about meat, women, and female flesh.

Host and editor: Joëlle Koorneef
Guest: Ruth Ozeki
Powered by Writers Unlimited 

Discussed in this episode:
The novel My Year of Meats (1998) by Ruth Ozeki

For more information visit our website.
Buy tickets for Meat:Woman.
Visit Ruth Ozeki’s website for more information about her novels and films. 

What is Writers Unlimited?

Schrijvers, dichters en denkers delen hun gedachten over brandende kwesties in de Winternachten festival-tracks. (English below) Writers Unlimited brengt auteurs én hun publiek jaarlijks samen in het Winternachten internationaal literatuurfestival Den Haag (27e editie 16-19 juni 2022), in de Writers Series (gespreksprogramma's op meerdere locaties in Den Haag), en in de Podcast. Tijdens die ontmoetingen wisselen ze hun literaire werk, hun ervaringen, dromen en ideeën uit. Over grenzen van culturen en talen en in een informele sfeer.

Writers, poets and thinkers share their ideas about burning questions in Winternachten festival tracks. Writers Unlimited connects authors with their audiences across cultures and countries: during the annual Winternachten international literature festival The Hague, in the Writers Series - monthly meetings at several The Hague locations and in the Podcast.