Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty

In this exciting and clarifying episode, we deep dive into the Psychology of modern masculinity to reveal what makes or breaks the male psyche. We define a better language for understanding what’s labeled toxic masculinity, and lay out a definitive case for vulnerability as a staple for healthy relationships.

Dr. Singley is a San Diego-based board certified psychologist and Director of The Center for Men’s Excellence. His research and practice focus on men’s mental health with a particular emphasis on reproductive psychology and the transition to fatherhood. Dr. Singley won the American Psychological Association’s 2017 Practitioner of the Year Award from the Division on Men & Masculinities. He is Past President of the APA’s Section on Positive Psychology and is currently the President-Elect of the APA’s Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinities and the President’s Advisory  Council for Postpartum Support International. He conducts trainings and presentations around the country to assist individuals and organizations to enhance their level of father inclusiveness and founded the grant-funded Basic Training for New Dads, Inc nonprofit and Padre Cadre social networking application just for dads in order to give new fathers the tools they need to be highly engaged with their infants as well as their partners. In his free time, Dr. Singley likes to cook, surf, read, and trick his two teenage sons into activities so they can’t escape his annoying shrinky questions. Follow him @MenExcel and www.facebook.com/MenExcel/

What is Fatherhood Unlocked with Dan Doty?

Fatherhood is the biggest rite of passage in a man’s life, and our biggest opportunity to grow up, wake up, and to learn who you actually are. This podcast is intended to be a lightning rod to call men to action, to create community, and to set a new tone and standard for what fatherhood means.