Dice Fiends

Dice Fiends Trailer Bonus Episode 26 Season 13

Mystery Buddies Podcast (Recap from Blackheart Arc to Dusty and Heather Super Best Friends)

Mystery Buddies Podcast (Recap from Blackheart Arc to Dusty and Heather Super Best Friends)Mystery Buddies Podcast (Recap from Blackheart Arc to Dusty and Heather Super Best Friends)

The final episode of the Mystery Buddies podcast which aired on June 22nd, 2041. Law Enforcement was called to conduct a wellness check on one Blake Brookes... the suspect in her murder, Marley Maddocks, is still at large.

video_recorder_load_cassette_01.wav was made by magedu on Freesound.org 
The rest of the bullshit was made by Shannon and Chell
Wednesday will be starting our Phantom in Flames story arc, we hope you enjoy.

What is Dice Fiends?

Dice Fiends is an actual play podcast featuring a wonderful cast of chuckle-friends. Our story is similar to many: in an attempt to have fun one late Saturday evening, 6 strangers came together for a one-shot, but had so much fun that we extended that one-shot into a two-shot… and then a three-shot… and then we turned it into a whole campaign!

Since then, we've expanded beyond Dungeons and Dragons and to other games systems for one shots such as Hardwired Island or Shadowrun Anarchy and we hope to branch out ever further. But one thing's for sure, whether we're diving into dungeons or trying not to get geeked on the mean streets of Seattle: we're fiends for the sound of rolling dice.