Critical Conversations with Gretchen Jones, The Podcast

In this episode I speak with Ashley Stovall and Stephanie Duncan of the Austin Texas based jewelry label Her New Tribe. With backgrounds in art and fashion, and a concentration on unapologetic style, the brand was born of conversation around bold color, quiet strength, and endless optimism.

We discuss ways of approaching scalability in a way that serves them both AND the brand itself. How positive reactions can be distractions and how marching to the beat of your own drum always serves to support us in the long run - even when you’re competing in such a competitive industry.

Show Notes


What is Critical Conversations with Gretchen Jones, The Podcast?

Dive into Gretchen Jones's studio and sit in on series of unscripted sessions with her clientele, a diverse range of talented creative professionals. You’ll listen in as she guides each individual towards the self-actualized change they seek - for themselves, their businesses, and their professions.