Woodside Bible Church Troy

Woodside Bible Church Troy Trailer Bonus Episode 111 Season 1

Is God Generous? - Why Pray?: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church

Is God Generous? - Why Pray?: Part 2 - Woodside Bible ChurchIs God Generous? - Why Pray?: Part 2 - Woodside Bible Church

Have you ever wondered if God is generous? Maybe you have trouble fully understanding what God has given us or if He’s given us anything. But we see in scripture that He is generous, giving more than we could ever imagine. As we continue in our series, Why Pray? We will look at how the Lord has been generous towards us. The more time we spend in the Word, the more we will learn God's character. Jesus’ heart is for His children and those who will follow Him. He is trustworthy and His Word is true. Christ cares for us deeply and we see that through all He has given us. God has given us to Christ and Christ has given us God’s Word. So why should we pray? To know the generosity of God. Join us for the latest message of the series, Is God Generous? And hear how Christ has been greatly generous toward His children.  

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Woodside Bible Church Troy Podcast: Subscribe to listen to the latest sermons from Woodside :: Updated Weekly :: At Woodside, our mission is to Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Reach the world for Christ. :: For more information, visit us at