The Buzz with Fazz

Have you'll ever wonder how amazing it is to know that TIME has always a way of showing what really matters. Yeah, things that were important back then, aren't so important now. Things that we neglected then seem to be of the highest priority now. I am sure everyone has such instances in life and pretty sure know what we are talking about. Nobody can rewind or forward time to amend these things, but we can always talk about it. That is what this episode is all about. Join DJ Fazid and DJ Theepan as they share what they would have said to their younger self and also what would they tell their future self. Click play to listen now!

Show Notes

Have you'll ever wonder how amazing it is to know that TIME has always a way of showing what really matters. Yeah, things that were important back then, aren't so important now. Things that we neglected then seem to be of the highest priority now. I am sure everyone has such instances in life and pretty sure know what we are talking about. Nobody can rewind or forward time to amend these things, but we can always talk about it. That is what this episode is all about. Join DJ Fazid and DJ Theepan as they share what they would have said to their younger self and also what would they tell their future self. Click play to listen now!

What is The Buzz with Fazz?

There are always three sides to every story, what you SEE, what you HEAR, and the TRUTH itself. THE BUZZ WITH FAZZ, ATeam's very first English-Tamil interactive podcast! This is all about breaking down the stories that has enthralled all of us to its truth. Join us as for some exciting entertainment where we bring you spicy interviews with special guests, interesting gossips that you always wanted to ‘kaypoh' on, and issues that revolves around us every day.