Journeys In Words

'You started on this path a long time ago and those energies are in motion. You can't fail now!'
Close your eyes and listen to these positive affirmations..
You CAN do this!

Show Notes

'You started on this path a long time ago and those energies are in motion. You can't fail now!'
Close your eyes and listen to these positive affirmations..
You CAN do this!

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[Music Credit: melodyloops/Everlasting Love]

What is Journeys In Words?

Guided Meditations, Hypnosis and Tools to help you work on Relaxation // Overthinking // De-stress // Breaking Through // Motivation // Assertiveness.

by Chris Walton; a hypnotherapist, relaxation and mindfulness teacher (and startup investor).

My other podcasts:
Chris D Walton - Interviews about self-growth and going deeper.
VISION - Startup Interviews