Legends of Media Research

Join us as we explore the career of Howard Shimmel across his years at Nielsen, MTV Networks, Simmons Research, AOL/Time Warner, Nielsen (again) and Turner Broadcasting.  Howard shares stories about how he tackled subscription pricing research for AOL/Time Warner, children's research at Nickelodeon and new ad format research for Turner.  It's an episode packed with life lessons.

Show Notes

Join us as we explore the career of Howard Shimmel across his years at Nielsen, MTV Networks, Simmons Research, AOL/Time Warner, Nielsen (again) and Turner Broadcasting.  Howard shares stories about how he tackled subscription pricing research for AOL/Time Warner, children's research at Nickelodeon and new ad format research for Turner.  It's an episode packed with life lessons.

What is Legends of Media Research?

Interviews with media research leaders sharing their greatest adventures.