Who Knows? We Don't!

WOW! We get the lowdown on what it was like to work and campaign for 2020 Democratic Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg during the Primaries from our guest, Noelle. THEN she goes on to share about her time working for President Joe Biden's General Election campaign! Not only is Noelle so sweet in sharing her time with us, but she is honest about the ups and downs campaigners face on the trail including what it was like to have your candidate drop out of the race to the burnout she felt leading team members in a state that went red. Watch out world, we got the next Leslie Knope on our hands here!

What is Who Knows? We Don't!?

Get ready to embark on a journey with Jack and Jonah as they interview a variety of folks about their lived experiences, passions, hobbies and trades that they've mastered, and so much more. Just two dudes trying to figure it out and become mediocre at everything.